Brighttiss Knuckles brightening toner and hand cream set is a moisturizing cream and serum enriched with powerful natural ingredients that will nourish your skin and lighten dark knuckles, knees and elbows. Use three (3) times daily for fast results.
Pour knucles toner on a cotton pad and apply on knuckles or area your are treating .Apply twice everyday for the first one week time, follow by whitening hand cream. Second week apply only 3 times . Use whitening scrub 2 times a week.
Limit sun exposure while using this product.
ACTIVE INGRIDENTS ,salicylic acid, Fruit Acid ,Vitamin E,lemon Water,Lecithin,Allantoin,Sunflower ,Cetearyl Alcohol,Cetyl Alchol, Dimethicione, Ethylhexyl glycerine,Glyceryl Stearyl,Glycol
DISCLAIMER: The seller is not familiar with the buyer’s skin type, condition, or skin history.